Stargazing Through Dance

Stargazing Through Dance

Pearlann Porter is that rarest of choreographers, caught up in her own obsession for the arts of both science and dance. Her chosen path can take multiple forms, from interpreting the movement suggested by a mathematical equation to that pale blue dot, described so...
On Stage: An Anniversary Season to Behold (Part Two)

On Stage: An Anniversary Season to Behold (Part Two)

While the rest of Pittsburgh’s vibrant dance community might not be celebrating an anniversary, it is nonetheless celebrating the dance itself. Here’s the list of their upcoming events this season: THE PRESENTERS. August Wilson African American Cultural...

On Stage: Five Go-o-olden Years

They were selling Christmas trees outside Construction Junction, but The Pillow Project already had its own, a remnant from its “Sophisticated Junk” concert in October. It was a Charlie Brown tree, decorated with electrical cords and computer odds and...