by jvranish_m | Feb 22, 2010 | 1, Attack Theatre, On Stage
Well, folks, I heartily channeled my inner munchkin (a feat in itself because I’m nearly 5’11”) and headed to the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh on the North Side/Shore near the Hazlett Theater. Attack Theatre was there for a special,...
by jvranish_m | Feb 20, 2010 | Attack Theatre, On Stage
The free-wheeling Attackers moved on to the prim and proper confines of the Frick Art & Historical Center in the East End last night with a heightened sense of deja vu for me. This was the very first stage for “Assemble This” when it was known as...
by jvranish_m | Feb 19, 2010 | Attack Theatre, On Stage
Road conditions were much better for Attack Theatre’s sojourn to August Wilson Center on Wednesday, so much so that the members were able to park their trusty Bat Van just across the street, a a much-appreciated treat in the snow-laden Downtown environment. The...
by jvranish_m | Jan 6, 2010 | Attack Theatre, Dance Alloy Theater, Off Stage, Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, Pittsburgh Dance Council
As 2000 approached we dreaded the Y2K millenium bug, supposedly residing in all of our computers. But we “Ought” not have dreaded the first decade of a new century — at least dance-wise. Dance was beginning to explode in many ways, and while we...
by jvranish_m | Jan 4, 2010 | Attack Theatre, Dance Alloy Theater, Off Stage, Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, The Pillow Project
In you case you missed it, my Top Ten in dance appeared in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in December. Now we can discuss the performers who infused that choreography and their considerable contributions to a vibrant local dance scene. Kudos to the women, who were...
by jvranish_m | Dec 28, 2009 | Attack Theatre, Dance Notes, Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, The Pillow Project
DANCE OUT THE OLD. Pittsburgh Cultural Trust’s First Night festivities will include diverse interests in dance like Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, featuring Christine Schwaner and Alexandre Silve with PBT grad students (Byham Theater, 7 p.m.), Attack Theatre’s...
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