by jvranish_m | Oct 29, 2009 | 1
LOVE STORY. It was no coincidence that the colors for Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre’s 40th anniversary Pointe in Time ball were pink and blue. Co-chairs Meg and Robert Eberly III were two weeks away from giving birth to their second child. But there was even more...
by jvranish_m | Aug 13, 2009 | 1
Pioneering choreographer Merce Cunningham will live on in the memories of three Pittsburghers who have performed in his company. Read about it in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Share...
by jvranish_m | Jul 29, 2009 | 1
THE NEW PBT: As was previously announced, Julia Erickson and Alexandra Kochis are moving up the roster to become principal dancers and Eva Trapp has been promoted to soloist. But there are five new corps members to replace principal dancers Maribel Modrono,...
by jvranish_m | Jul 27, 2009 | 1, Guest Blog
Born and bred in McKeesport where her family ran a long-time community landmark, Feig’s Bakery, Rebecca Taksel left to study French literature at the University of Pittsburgh with a detour to Sarah Lawrence College, where she majored in dance. She has maintained...
by jvranish_m | Jul 11, 2009 | 1, Guest Blog
Erie-based writer Steve Sucato covers a wide swath of dance in Ohio (Cleveland’s The Plain Dealer), scoots over to upstate New York (The Buffalo News), frequently writes for Erie Times-News and covers dance here in Pittsburgh’s City Paper. That means that...
by jvranish_m | Jul 11, 2009 | 1, On the Road
International superstar Nina Ananiashvili took her final bows with American Ballet Theatre recently where the audience screamed “Nina!” and “Ana!” repeatedly over the course of the evening. Read about it in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Share...
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